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Showing posts with the label Europe

Erdwarme Grunwald Drills Second Geothermal Well With €61 Million Breakthrough

Unlocking Earth's Potential  Erdwarme Grunawald 61 Million Euro Geothermal Breakthrough By:  Robert Buluma In a thrilling development for renewable energy enthusiasts,  Erdwarme Grunawald has secured a monumental 61 million euros in federal funding for their latest geothermal drilling project at Laufzorn II. This infusion of capital marks a significant milestone in the quest for sustainable, CO2-free energy and underscores the potential of geothermal resources hidden beneath our feet. A Vision for the Future Laufzorn II is not just another drilling project; it's a testament to the visionary leadership of  Erdwarme Grunawald and their commitment to a greener future. With a total investment of around 153 million euros, this initiative aims to drill a second deep borehole that will substantially expand the local geothermal energy supply. "We are investing in the future of our energy infrastructure," says Andreas Lederle, Managing Director of Erdwarme Grunawald . "

Eavor Gets Financial Backing From EU and EIB For Bavarian, Geretsried Geothermal Heating Projects

Revolutionizing Energy in Bavaria: The Innovative Geothermal Project Supported by the  European Investment Bank By: Robert Buluma In the heart of Bavaria, Germany, a groundbreaking energy initiative is taking shape, promising a greener, more sustainable future for the region. Backed by the  European Investment Bank (EIB) and bolstered by the EU Innovation Fund, this project aims to harness the Earth's natural heat to power homes and businesses, marking a significant leap forward in renewable energy technology. The Vision: Eavor-LoopTM Technology At the forefront of this venture lies Eavor , a pioneering energy company dedicated to revolutionizing the way we harness geothermal energy. Their innovative Eavor-LoopTM technology represents a paradigm shift in geothermal power generation. Unlike traditional methods that rely on capturing heat from subsurface water or steam reservoirs, Eavor-LoopTM drills deep into the Earth, directly harvesting heat from underground rocks. The Implement

Bjelovar's Croation Geothermal Evaluation Finished

Harnessing Earth's Heat: Bjelovar's Geothermal Revolution By:  Robert Buluma In the heart of Croatia, a quiet yet ambitious city is silently leading the charge towards a greener, more sustainable future. Welcome to Bjelovar, where innovation meets determination, and the earth's own warmth is becoming the cornerstone of a groundbreaking energy shift. Mayor Dario Hrebak proudly declares that Bjelovar is on the brink of transformation. With over 200 million euros invested in various projects – an amount equivalent to half the iconic Pelješki bridge – the city is not just dreaming of a sustainable future; it's actively building it. One of the most promising endeavors is the geothermal well project in Veliki Korenovo. This venture, with a total investment of 4.4 million euros, symbolizes Bjelovar's commitment to harnessing the Earth's natural resources responsibly. Co-financed by the Governments of Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein, along with substantial support fr

Eavor Goes Deeper in Geretesried In Search For Geothermal

Revolutionizing Energy Production: The Birth of Eavor Technology in Geretesried By: Robert Buluma In the picturesque town of Geretesried, nestled in the heart of Germany, a groundbreaking project is underway that promises to reshape the future of energy production as we know it. Welcome to the world of Eavor Technology – where innovation meets sustainability in a bid to tackle the pressing challenges of climate change and energy security. Imagine a technology that harnesses the Earth's natural heat to generate both electricity and warmth without emitting harmful greenhouse gases. Sounds like science fiction? Well, it's not. Thanks to the relentless efforts of visionaries and engineers, the world's first Eavor loop for heat and electricity is currently under construction right here in Geretesried. At the forefront of this remarkable endeavor is the ambitious drilling project that has reached an astonishing depth of 7000 meters beneath the Earth's surface. Achieving such

EGRISE Revolutionizes Geothermal Research, Discovering the Depths

Discovering the Depths: EGRISE Revolutionizes Geothermal Research By  Robert Buluma The quest for sustainable energy solutions has led to a surge in geothermal research and innovation worldwide. To harness the full potential of this burgeoning field, the European Geothermal Research & Innovation Search Engine (EGRISE) emerges as a beacon of knowledge, enabling the discovery of a plethora of research products generated within EU-funded geothermal projects and by the broader global geothermal community. EGRISE stands as a testament to collaboration and connectivity in the scientific realm, leveraging the 'Connect' OpenAIRE application to aggregate a diverse array of research products. From project deliverables to scholarly papers and invaluable datasets, EGRISE serves as a one-stop destination for enthusiasts and experts alike seeking insights into the dynamic landscape of geothermal research. One of the hallmark features of EGRISE lies in its comprehensive metadata, includin

Geothermal Energy Auction,ON Power Seeks Buyers for Sustainable Electricity

Green Energy Auction: ON Power Seeks Buyers for Sustainable Electricity By  Robert Buluma As the world's focus increasingly turns towards sustainable energy solutions, ON Power, a leading provider of clean electricity, is making waves with its latest initiative. With operations in the Hengill area and Burgarfjordur, ON Power is dedicated to providing sustainable energy solutions for their community needs and beyond. With the expiration of their current contract imminent, ON Power is actively seeking buyers for 150 MW of clean electricity generated from Geothermal and Hydropower plants. Through a European bidding platform, the company aims to secure buyers for the next 2-4 years. CEO Arni Hrannar emphasizes that transparency and fairness will be at the forefront of this process, ensuring that all stakeholders have equal opportunities to participate. "This initiative not only benefits the company but also contributes to a more energy-efficient future for all," states CEO Ar

Vulcan Energie Ressource GmbH Wins Ruggero Bertani European Geothermal Innovation 2024

 Revolutionizing Lithium Production: Vulcan Energie Ressource GmbH Wins the Ruggero Bertani European Geothermal Innovation Award 2024 By  Robert Buluma Offenburg, March 1, 2024 – The European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC) proudly announces Vulcan Energie Ressourcen GmbH as the recipient of the esteemed Ruggero Bertani European Geothermal Innovation Award 2024. This accolade celebrates Vulcan Energie Ressourcen GmbH's groundbreaking project, the Lithium Extraction Optimization Plant (LEOP), a revolutionary endeavor set to transform sustainable lithium production in Europe. Introducing LEOP: A Game-Changer in Lithium Extraction LEOP represents a pioneering initiative, heralding the inaugural production unit to extract lithium from geothermal sources in an eco-friendly manner. Operational since 2023, this innovative plant, situated in Europe, achieves an impressive Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 7/8. With an annual output of 40 tons of green lithium hydroxide, LEOP has the cap

Geothermal Heating System Completed in Szegeds New District

Geothermal Heating System Completed in Szeged's New District By  Robert Buluma On this chilly Friday, March 1, 2024, with temperatures hovering around 13°C, a significant milestone in sustainable infrastructure development has been achieved in Szeged, Hungary. The completion of the geothermal heating system in the Szilléri district marks a leap towards cleaner energy utilization and reduced environmental footprint. Initiated with a budget of 2.352 billion Hungarian forints, this project, realized with European Union support, underscores the commitment of both local and international stakeholders towards sustainable energy solutions. The endeavor was spearheaded by Geo Hőterm Kft., which secured 1.108 billion forints in non-repayable EU funds for the project. The implementation involved drilling a 2000-meter-deep production thermal well near the Zápor-tó lake on Pentelei sor. Within the water pump house, an 8.4 MW capacity plate heat exchanger was installed, alongside a water treatm

Status of Geothermal In Poland

 Poland’s Geothermal Energy Revolution: A Promising Path to Diversification By  Robert Buluma In recent years, Poland has been navigating a significant transformation in its energy landscape. As the nation grapples with the imperative to reduce reliance on coal and combat climate change, a burgeoning interest in renewable energy sources has emerged. Among these sources, geothermal energy stands out as a promising avenue for diversification and sustainability. Embracing Renewables and Nuclear: Poland’s Energy Strategy Against the backdrop of Europe's energy crisis and geopolitical tensions, Poland has underscored the importance of diversifying its energy mix. While renewables and nuclear energy have emerged as key pillars of Poland’s energy strategy, recent developments suggest a growing recognition of the potential of geothermal energy.  Geothermal Progress in Poland Poland’s geothermal energy capacity has been steadily increasing, with the country currently boasting 129 megawatts

Innargi Aarus Geothermal Plant Will be Magnanimous in EU

Unlocking the Green Potential: Geothermal Project in Aarhus Enters Second Test Phase In a landmark move towards decarbonizing heating systems, Aarhus, Denmark, is spearheading the way forward with its ambitious geothermal project. Initiated by Innargi A/S in collaboration with Kredsløb, the project aims to revolutionize district heating by harnessing the power of geothermal energy. The recent announcement of the project entering its second test phase marks a significant milestone in Aarhus's journey towards sustainability. The initial test drilling at the Port of Aarhus has been successfully concluded, paving the way for further exploration at Skejbyvej. This phase includes additional wells and a plant designed to capture geothermal heat and transfer it to the district heating network, setting the stage for a greener future. Lars Heineke, Project Director at Innargi, expressed satisfaction with the progress, emphasizing the importance of the testing phase in shaping the final desig