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Showing posts with the label Iceland


Cowi  to Spearhead 100MW Geothermal Power Plant Expansion in Iceland: A Leap Toward Renewable Innovation By:  Robert Buluma In a major stride toward sustainable energy development, Cowi , a leading engineering firm, has secured the design contract for the expansion of the Hellisheidi Geothermal Power Plant in Iceland. This ambitious project, driven by ON Power , will see the plant's capacity increase by 100MW, further solidifying Iceland's commitment to harnessing its geothermal potential.  The Hellisheidi plant, located just 18km from Reykjavik, serves as a cornerstone for Iceland's energy landscape, providing both electricity and hot water for domestic heating. With the ongoing expansion, the plant’s heating output will rise from 200MW to 300MW, ensuring more homes and businesses in Reykjavik benefit from geothermal energy. A Legacy of Excellence Cowi's  involvement in the Hellisheidi project dates back to its early phases, when the firm, formerly known as Mannvit in

Tender: Reykjavik Energy To Drill 35 Geothermal Wells While Also Tapping Water

Orkuveitan’s Ambitious Geothermal Drilling Project: Paving the Way for a Sustainable Future By :  Robert Buluma In a landmark move toward bolstering Iceland’s energy security and sustainability, Orkuveitan, the Reykjavik-based energy company, has launched a significant tender process for its latest geothermal drilling initiative. This project, which aims to drill 35 new exploratory and water extraction wells by the end of 2028, marks the largest water procurement venture in recent years. With its eyes set on a carbon-neutral future, Orkuveitan is taking a crucial step forward in ensuring the sustainability of the nation’s geothermal resources. The primary goal of this extensive drilling project is twofold: to secure long-term water supply for the nation’s heating needs and to explore new geothermal fields that hold potential for future development. The company’s approach to this project reflects a commitment to environmental stewardship, utilizing electric drilling rigs to minimize car

"Harnessing Earth’s Fiery Core: Supercritical Geothermal’s Power Unleashed"

The Future of Geothermal Energy: Unlocking the Potential of Supercritical Geothermal Resources By:  Robert Buluma In the deep underbelly of the Earth, where the heat is nearly unbearable, lies a force so powerful it could reshape our energy landscape forever. This is the story of supercritical geothermal resources—a frontier so ambitious, so untapped, that it promises not just to meet, but to exceed, our wildest dreams for sustainable energy. The Hidden Power Beneath Our Feet Imagine drilling into the Earth's crust, past boiling reservoirs and molten rock, into a realm where temperatures and pressures reach a critical point, transforming water into a supercritical fluid. Neither liquid nor gas, this supercritical fluid holds the potential to produce ten times more energy than conventional geothermal sources. It’s a resource that could power cities, industries, and entire nations with clean, renewable energy. But this isn't just a tale of boundless potential—it's a journey f

ON Power and Iceland Drilling Company Set To Drill 8 Hengill Wells Starting May 2025

ON Power and Iceland Drilling Company Forge Path to a Sustainable Future in Hengill By: Robert Buluma Image: Iceland,Gunnhover Geothermal Area In a bold stride towards sustainable energy, ON Power has teamed up with Iceland Drilling Company to undertake a monumental project set to transform the Hengill area. This groundbreaking initiative will see Iceland Drilling Company drill eight production wells for ON Power between 2025 and 2027, a venture that promises to bolster Iceland's reputation as a leader in renewable energy. Árni Hrannar Haraldsson, the visionary CEO of ON Power, couldn't contain his enthusiasm as he spoke about the project. "It's crucial to harness the power of ON Power," he remarked, "Our resilience in producing hot water and electricity has been a cornerstone of our success, and this project will only enhance our capabilities." His confidence is rooted in ON Power's proven track record of sustainable energy production, a testament t

Iceland Volcano Erupts in a Fourth row Since December

Fiery Fury: Iceland's Volcanic Dance of Destruction By: Robert Buluma The gorgeous sky of Iceland, just Magnanimously lovely  The earth beneath our feet is alive, and nowhere is this more evident than in the volcanic heart of Iceland. In a mesmerizing display of nature's power, a volcano on Iceland's southwestern coast has erupted for the fourth time since December, sending shockwaves through the island nation. The eruption, which began with a sudden burst of a red wine toast between Mt. Hagafell and Mt. Stóra Skógfell, has once again plunged the region into chaos. With a fissure stretching over 2.9 kilometers in length, the landscape is transformed into a fiery spectacle, as molten lava spews forth with unstoppable force. The lead-up to the eruption was swift, catching authorities off guard and prompting a state of emergency to be declared. In a race against time, residents of the fishing town of Grindavik, home to 4,000 souls, are being evacuated from the path of destruct

Bjelovar's Croation Geothermal Evaluation Finished

Harnessing Earth's Heat: Bjelovar's Geothermal Revolution By:  Robert Buluma In the heart of Croatia, a quiet yet ambitious city is silently leading the charge towards a greener, more sustainable future. Welcome to Bjelovar, where innovation meets determination, and the earth's own warmth is becoming the cornerstone of a groundbreaking energy shift. Mayor Dario Hrebak proudly declares that Bjelovar is on the brink of transformation. With over 200 million euros invested in various projects – an amount equivalent to half the iconic Pelješki bridge – the city is not just dreaming of a sustainable future; it's actively building it. One of the most promising endeavors is the geothermal well project in Veliki Korenovo. This venture, with a total investment of 4.4 million euros, symbolizes Bjelovar's commitment to harnessing the Earth's natural resources responsibly. Co-financed by the Governments of Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein, along with substantial support fr

HD ehf and HS Orka to Expand Svartsengi Geothermal Power Plant

Powering the Future: HD ehf's Groundbreaking Venture with HS Orka in Svartsengi By: Robert Buluma In the heart of the Sudomes community lies a beacon of innovation and progress – the Svartsengi power plant. This bustling hub of energy production has long been a symbol of power and resilience in the region. However, a new chapter is about to unfold as HD ehf, a leading player in the energy sector, embarks on a transformative journey with HS Orka to expand this vital facility. In a monumental agreement signed on March 8th, HD ehf committed to equipping and expanding the Hs Orka power plant in Svartsengi. This partnership signifies not only a significant investment in infrastructure but also a bold step towards shaping the future of sustainable energy. The scope of the project is nothing short of awe-inspiring. From material procurement to construction and installation, every aspect has been meticulously planned to ensure seamless execution. Platforms, stairs, pipe supports, and a sop

US and Iceland Forge Geothermal Energy Partnership

U.S. and Iceland Forge Renewable Energy Partnership: A Geothermal Odyssey By : Robert Buluma In a landmark move towards bolstering renewable energy collaborations, the United States Secretary of Energy, Jennifer Granholm, recently engaged in bilateral discussions with her Icelandic counterpart, Gudlaugur Thór Thórdarson. The talks, centered around the potential for collaboration in renewable energy initiatives, particularly in the realm of geothermal energy, underscored a shared commitment to sustainable development and combating climate change. The meeting, which took place against the backdrop of the stunning Icelandic landscape, included a visit to the Hellsheidi Geothermal Power Plant—a testament to Iceland's pioneering efforts in harnessing geothermal energy for power generation and heating. With Iceland already boasting a remarkable achievement of powering the entire nation with 100% renewable energy, including heating derived predominantly from geothermal sources, the discus

Icelands 5th Geothermal Conference Highlights

Unveiling the Future of Sustainable Energy: Highlights to the 5th Iceland Geothermal Conference (IGC2024) to be conducted in May In the heart of Reykjavík, Iceland, the 5th Iceland Geothermal Conference (IGC2024) to be convened, igniting discussions and collaborations aimed at reshaping our energy landscape towards a sustainable future. Hosted by the Iceland Renewable Energy Cluster, this conference will serve as a nexus for industry leaders, innovators, and visionaries to explore the boundless potential of geothermal energy in addressing global challenges such as climate change, energy security, and economic prosperity. Climate Resilience: One of the key themes to be echoed throughout the conference is the pivotal role of geothermal energy in enhancing climate resilience. Delegates will delve into how geothermal resources offer a renewable alternative to fossil fuels, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions and ensuring a stable energy supply. By harnessing the earth's nat

Veituru Explores Geothermal Energy Potential In Alfatanese

Exploring Geothermal Energy Potential in Álftanes: A Step Towards Sustainable Heating Veitur, the leading provider of heating services in the capital region, is embarking on a new venture to explore geothermal energy potential in Álftanes. With the increasing demand for hot water in Reykjavík and its surrounding areas due to population growth and urban development, Veitur is proactively seeking additional geothermal resources to enhance the capacity and reliability of its heating system. The decision to investigate Álftanes stems from indications of untapped geothermal resources suitable for residential heating. Veitur aims to conduct drilling operations in nine exploration wells in the area, with each borehole reaching depths of 60 to 100 meters. These wells will be drilled over a span of one to three days each, utilizing lightweight drilling rigs to minimize disruption and ensure safety. The ongoing efforts to diversify geothermal resources align with Veitur's commitment to susta

Iceland Grindavik Volcanic Eruption Impact

 Iceland's Volcanic Awakening: The Eruption Near Grindavike Iceland, known for its stunning landscapes and geological wonders, is once again making headlines with the eruption of a volcano near the town of Grindavik. This recent volcanic activity marks the third eruption in the area since December, highlighting the dynamic and unpredictable nature of Iceland's volcanic landscape. The Eruption On February 8th, 2024 , a volcano in southwestern Iceland erupted along a three-kilometer fissure northeast of Mount Sýlingarfell. Jets of lava shot into the sky, triggering the evacuation of the popular Blue Lagoon geothermal spa and cutting off heat and hot water to thousands of people in several communities on the Reykjanes Peninsula. Impact on Communities The eruption has had significant consequences for the residents of Grindavik and surrounding areas. The lava flow engulfed a supply pipeline, disrupting the heating systems that many rely on for their homes. Schools, gyms, and swimmin

Geothermal Makes KMT drill Magma to Power Iceland

Unprecedented Exploration: Iceland's Krafla Magma Testbed (KMT) Breaks Ground in Volcanic Discovery In a groundbreaking endeavor set to unfold in 2026, Iceland's Krafla Magma Testbed (KMT) is poised to embark on a mission that promises to revolutionize our understanding of volcanic activity. The KMT project aims to drill into the magma chamber of a volcano, pushing the boundaries of scientific exploration like never before. Situated just 1-2 miles below the Earth's surface, the magma chamber selected for this audacious project is unique in its characteristics. With temperatures soaring up to a blistering 1300 degrees Celsius, this molten cauldron presents both an opportunity and a challenge for the scientific community. The shallow depth of the magma chamber may seem advantageous, making the drilling process comparatively easier than delving into deeper layers of the Earth. However, the true test lies in the extreme conditions the drill bits must endure. With temperatures r