"Revolutionary Breakthrough: NRC Certifies First-Ever Small Modular Reactor Design in US, Unleashing a New Era of Clean Energy!"

(source: VOYGR™ SMR power plant)NuScale Power

"A new era of clean energy has officially arrived as the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has issued a groundbreaking rule making that allows utilities to reference NuScale's Small Modular Reactor (SMR) design when applying for a combined license to build and operate a reactor. This is not just any reactor, but an advanced light-water SMR with each power module capable of generating 50 megawatts of emissions-free electricity.

But that's not all, NuScale's VOYGR™ SMR power plant can house up to 12 factory-built power modules that are about a third of the size of a large-scale reactor. Imagine a power plant that leverages natural processes, such as convection and gravity, to passively cool the reactor without additional water, power, or even operator action. A true game changer in the energy industry.

The NRC accepted NuScale's SMR design certification application back in March 2018 and issued its final technical review in August 2020. The NRC Commission later voted to certify the design on July 29, 2022, making it the first SMR approved by the NRC for use in the United States.

The U.S. Department of Energy provided more than $600 million since 2014 to support the design, licensing, and siting of NuScale's VOYGR SMR power plant and other domestic SMR concepts. The department is currently working with Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems (UAMPS) through the Carbon Free Power Project to demonstrate a six-module NuScale VOYGR plant at Idaho National Laboratory. The first module is expected to be operational by 2029 with full plant operation the following year. UAMPS finished subsurface field investigation activities at the proposed INL site and expects to submit a combined license application to the NRC in the first quarter of 2024.

But that's not all, NuScale Power has 19 signed and active domestic and international agreements to deploy SMR plants in 12 different countries, including Poland, Romania, the Czech Republic, and Jordan in addition to the Carbon Free Power Project. This is just the beginning of a clean energy revolution that will power the nation towards a sustainable future. Get ready to witness history in the making!"

Source: (ENEGY.GOV)

#Nuscale #Powerdesign #NRC #SMR


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