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Ormat Technologies and EDF Sign A Power Purchase Agreement For Guadeloupe Geothermal Plant

Revolutionizing Renewable Energy: Ormat Technologies' Geothermal Power Plant in Guadeloupe

By :Robert Buluma

In a significant leap towards a sustainable future, Ormat Technologies, Inc. has announced the signing of a groundbreaking Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Electricité de France (EDF) for the development of a new geothermal power plant on the picturesque Island of Guadeloupe. This partnership marks a pivotal moment in the renewable energy sector, emphasizing the crucial role of geothermal energy in combating climate change and fostering global energy transition efforts.

Driving Sustainable Energy Solutions

Ormat Technologies, a leading renewable energy company with over five decades of experience, continues to spearhead innovation in the field of geothermal power generation. The new 10MW geothermal power plant will complement Ormat’s existing 15MW Bouillante geothermal power plant, consolidating its position as a key player in the renewable energy landscape.

Harnessing the Power of Geothermal Energy

The project will utilize a state-of-the-art sea water-cooled binary system, incorporating Ormat Energy Converters (OEC) to efficiently convert geothermal heat into electricity. Positioned approximately 100 meters above sea level, the plant will optimize energy efficiency through an intermediate cooling loop, further enhancing its environmental sustainability.

Commitment to Clean Energy Development

Doron Blachar, CEO of Ormat Technologies, reaffirms the company's commitment to sustainable energy solutions, stating, "This landmark agreement reflects the strength and value creation of our existing relationship with EDF." With the addition of the new Bouillante power plant in Guadeloupe and the recent signing of another 10MW power plant in Dominica, Ormat is poised to expand its geothermal capacity in the Caribbean region to 35MW by the end of 2025.

Transforming the Energy Landscape

Ormat's dedication to pushing the boundaries of clean energy development and cutting-edge technology underscores its role as a catalyst for change in the global energy landscape. By supplying clean, renewable, and reliable power to communities in the Caribbean and beyond, Ormat is not only transforming the energy sector but also enhancing the quality of life for residents in the regions it operates.

Looking Ahead

As the world strives to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy, initiatives like Ormat Technologies' geothermal power plant in Guadeloupe serve as beacons of hope. By harnessing the earth's natural heat to generate electricity, Ormat is paving the way for a greener, more sustainable future for generations to come.

About Ormat Technologies

Ormat Technologies, Inc. is a leading geothermal company with a global presence in geothermal and recovered energy generation. With a robust portfolio of projects spanning the United States, Kenya, Guatemala, Indonesia, Honduras, and Guadeloupe, Ormat is committed to driving innovation and sustainability in the renewable energy sector.

We did an article on how Ormat Technologies Hybridizes Geothermal With Solar to quench it's energy needs

The signing of the PPA for the new geothermal power plant in Guadeloupe marks a significant milestone in Ormat Technologies' journey towards a cleaner, greener future. Through strategic partnerships, cutting-edge technology, and unwavering commitment, Ormat continues to lead the charge in revolutionizing the renewable energy landscape, one geothermal power plant at a time.

Source:Ormat Technologies

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