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Showing posts with the label Offshore Geothermal

CGG Ground breaking Offshore Geothermal White Paper

Unlocking the Power of Offshore Geothermal Energy: CGG's Groundbreaking White Paper In a world where the quest for sustainable energy sources is more critical than ever, CGG, a leading global technology and Earth science company, has unveiled a groundbreaking white paper shedding light on the vast potential of offshore geothermal energy. This renewable resource, harnessed from the magmatically active ocean floor spreading centers and flooded rift systems, presents a promising avenue for meeting the world's energy needs while mitigating environmental impacts. The research conducted by CGG scientists underscores the abundance of untapped geothermal resources lying beneath the ocean's surface. These offshore areas, characterized by their geological activity, offer an ideal environment for extracting geothermal energy alongside other valuable by-products such as freshwater, Green Hydrogen, and ammonia. This innovative approach not only diversifies the renewable energy mix but a...