"Revolutionizing Energy: NIA report pushes DOE to commercialize advanced nuclear technology

DOE seal (Image: @energy-gov)

Recommendations come in a new report Transforming the US Department of Energy: Paving the Way to Commercialize Advanced Nuclear Energy

Are you curious about the future of advanced nuclear technology and its potential to combat climate change? The Nuclear Innovation Alliance (NIA) has released a groundbreaking report that delves into the role of the US Department of Energy (DOE) in driving the commercialization of these cutting-edge technologies. The report reveals a host of intriguing recommendations for the DOE, including the establishment of an Advanced Nuclear Energy Earthshot to establish the United States as a global leader in the field

The non-profit think-tank, NIA, has released a report that highlights the need for the Department of Energy (DOE) to transform itself into a better partner for the emerging advanced nuclear energy industry. The report states that the entrepreneurial culture of the industry is a strength, but it requires a well-suited federal partner to provide public support in order to meet the needs of the whole country, or even the whole world.

The report calls for the DOE to establish an Advanced Nuclear Energy Earthshot to support integrated fuel cycle, advanced reactor and supply chain innovation, and to establish the United States as a global leader in advanced nuclear energy. Additionally, it recommends that the DOE play a leading role in inter-agency coordination to devise and implement a comprehensive national strategy for exporting advanced nuclear energy.

Other recommendations include hiring more staff with business expertise, ensuring companies have resources to bridge the gap for demonstration projects, funding licensing fees for start-ups, establishing a fast neutron testing capability and launching an integrated effort to support common supply-chain needs for advanced reactors. The report also calls for the appointment of a Senior Director for Civil Nuclear Energy at the White House to coordinate among all the government entities needed for the successful deployment of a new generation of nuclear reactors.

NIA Executive Director Judi Greenwald emphasized that the greater commercialization focus is needed to help meet climate and energy security goals. She said, "This transition will require a concerted effort and coordination across DOE. NIA's report provides an outline of a potential path forward to achieve this goal." In response to the report, Kathryn Huff, DOE Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy, said that they will seriously consider these recommendations as they aim to meet the moment for the nation and the world.

#Innovation #Energypolicy #Industrialassociations #USA

Source :World Nuclear News


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